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SB 36 (Skinner) - Protections for Abortion Providers and Patients


SB 36 would strengthen California's "Safe Haven" laws by expanding protections for people who have come to California to avoid criminal prosecution or imprisonment related to that state’s criminalization of abortion or gender-affirming care. The bill would also ensure that benefits such as food and housing assistance would not be denied to individuals who left another state and traveled to California for purposes described above but would otherwise be eligible for such benefits. (Nancy Skinner - District 09)



SB 260 (Menjivar) - Menstrual Equity Act


SB 260 would increase equity by requiring the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) to cover applicable products for every menstruating person who participates in CalWORKs, easing a significant financial barrier, decreasing systemic inequities, and improving the livelihoods of recipients who lack these necessities. This measure aims to alleviate the menstrual product insecurity many Californians face, due to economic constraints and inequitable access, for California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) participants. (Caroline Menjivar - District 20)



SB 274 - (Skinner) Ends “Willful Defiance” Suspensions


Willful defiance suspensions have disproportionately impacted students of color, LGBTQ students, students who are homeless or in foster care, and those with disabilities. SB 274 would apply to both traditional public schools and charter schools. SB 274 would also bar schools from suspending or expelling students for being tardy or truant. SB 274 builds on Sen. Skinner’s 2019 legislation, SB 419, which was signed into law by Gov. Gavin Newsom. (Nancy Skinner - District 09)



AB 12 (Haney) - Cap on Security Deposits Statewide


AB 12 stops the practice of California landlords charging two times (and in some cases three times) the monthly rent as a security deposit. If this bill is signed into law, California will be the twelfth state in the country to limit security deposits to only one month's rent. AB 12 will also have no effect on potential liability--landlords will still be able to seek damages from tenants who are responsible for harm to the property that exceeds the amount of the security deposit. (Matt Haney - District 17)



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